Browse Listings in Machin Booklets & Panes > Machine Vended Folded Booklets > 50p Archaeology
50p Archaeology No.4. "Sir Flinders Petrie" DP173 Cyl. B35 B2. SG FB62
Fine full perf cylinder booklet .50p Archaeology No.4. "Sir Flinders Petrie" DP173 Cyl. B35 B2.
50p Archaeology No.1. "Sir Arthur Evans" (Correct Rates 100g/36p). DP173 Cyl. B35 B2. SG FB59a
Fine full perf cylinder booklet. 50p Archaeology No.1. "Sir Arthur Evans". (Correct Rates 100g/36p) DP173 Cyl. B35 B2.
50p Archaeology No.1. "Sir Arthur Evans" (Incorrect Rates 100g/35p). DP173 Cyl. B34 B2. SG FB59. Plated to column 1 of primary sheet.
Fine full perf cylinder booklet. 50p Archaeology No.1. "Sir Arthur Evans". (Incorrect Rates 100g/35p) DP173 Cyl. B34 B2. This cylinder booklet plated to Col.1...