2 listings found. Showing results 1 to 2
£1 Dickens No.3 "David Copperfield" DP117 ROTARY perf. Cyl. B6 B21 SG FH15. Pane plated to column 2 of primary sheet.

Fine booklet with well centered pane and full perfs lower edge. £1 Dickens No.3 "David Copperfield" DP117 Rotary perf. Cyl. B6 B21 p-(D). SG FH15. This cylind...



£1 Dickens No.3 "David Copperfield" DP117 Comb perf. Cyl. B6 B21 SG FH15. Pane plated to column 2 of primary sheet.

Fine booklet with well centered pane and full perfs lower edge. £1 Dickens No.3 "David Copperfield" DP117 Comb perf. Cyl. B6 B21. SG FH15. This cylinder pane ...
